Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation

Last updated on February 7, 2025

The Open Burning Smoke Control Regulation (OBSCR) outlines open burning rules.

These rules ensure burning is done with minimal risk to human and environmental health and minimizes smoke from open burning, especially where people live.

On this page

Before you burn

Before burning, you must explore every reasonable alternative, including:

  • Chipping
  • Mulching
  • Transporting your material to a green-waste recycling facility

You also need to minimize the amount of material to be burnt.

Under the Waste Discharge Regulation, there's a list of prohibited materials that cannot be burned in an open fire. Exclude these materials from your open fire.

Consult the Prohibited Materials Burning Factsheet (PDF, 103KB), or review Schedule 1 under the Waste Discharge Regulation.

Find your smoke sensitivity zone

The province is broken into 3 smoke sensitivity zones:

  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

The open burning rules are based on these zones.

Before burning:

Open burning rules based on zones

Review these zone and situation factsheets to understand the open burning rules in your area.

Factsheets have information on:

  • Seasonal burning start and end times
  • Burning setbacks
  • Ventilation index requirements

Zone specific rules

Choose the factsheet that applies to the zone where you live:

Situation specific rules

For local or Indigenous governments reducing vegetative debris to minimize wildfire risk:

For large amounts of diseased vegetation that you need to destroy by burning to prevent spread of pests or pathogens:

Air curtain incinerators

Regardless of your smoke sensitivity zone, if you're using an air curtain incinerator, follow these instructions:

Keeping records

Use the Open Burning Record Sheet (PDF, 78KB) if you need to create a record of your burn.

Use the Open Burning Report Template (XLSX, 622KB) as a template for tracking your open burning activities and submitting burn reports.

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